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The neuroscience of play

G8 Ladies May 4th, 2018

Julie Watson shared with us “the neuroscience of play and how “fun” can help change attitudes, beliefs and mindsets making for a positive workplace culture.”

What a fabulous kick off to this excellent session with learning a new phrase

“Risk dollarisation” Putting Non-financial risk into financial terms

We were posed with the question: What prevents curiosity in the workplace??

Safety, do you feel safe to ask for something to be explained?

Now there are times for curiosity and times for command and control (e.g. when Sully reviewed options with the tower on how to land the plane and opted for Landing on the Hudson river saving all people on Board.

Curious people are open minded, take responsibility, they value not knowing and value differences, they’re responsible and thoughtful.

  • How to extrinsically motivate – light the fire underneath

  • How to intrinsically motivate – light the fire within

We retain 95% of what we learn through play.

We had fun practising low energy vs high energy; by greeting each other with low energy – it felt wrong, dirty, rude, disengaging and uninteresting, actually a few of us just didn’t want to do it so we stopped.

We thought about the following statement and realised just how yuck the low energy greeting was.

“Am I being the best version of me so that others can be the best version of themselves”

High energy created open energy, it melted away biases, started conversations, we hugged, the energy in the room was massive, naturally the volume went up and it was hard to stop.

The best approach to engage and create solid relationships is to

  1. Be interested

  2. Be interesting

“The opposite of play is not work, it’s depression” Dr Stuart Brown National Institute of play

We talked about the words that we choose when we speak:

  • Diminishing words: but, just, might, basically

  • Hypnotic / building words: and, can, etc

Two great sites enable you to record yourself speaking, get a transcript and highlight the diminishing words and see how you can improve it.

Voice infliction:

  • upward infliction = question

  • same infliction = statement

  • downward infliction = command

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