Beyond burnout
I have the honour of hosting an amazing group of ladies (The G8 Ladies), we meet each month to share knowledge, learnings from events and support each other.
In July 2017 our fabulous member Mary-Leigh Scheerhoorn shared her experiences of burning out, tell-tale signs to look out for to avoid burnout & move from exhausted to energised.
Another name for Burn out is Adrenal exhaustion, It's multi-factorial & many things can affect the adrenal glands
Major infection
Work related stress which can result from extreme expectations, & not all aligned to your own valuesIn life, what we do needs to give us a sense of coherence, if it doesn't make sense & if you don't have control then this can lead to dis-stress.Symptoms of burnout
Sleep dysregulation
Dizzy spells/vertigo
day time sleeps
AF Atrial fibrillation
Mood swings - irritability
Inability to focus & memory loss
Gut issues
Mental health issues eg depression, anxiety, apathy, feelings of hopelessness
Concentration - inability to focus & memory loss
It’s important to note that everybody’s body will be different in the signs it gives so this list is not exhaustive. Many who experience these feeling keep them a secret & put on a brave front
Definition of burnout:
Emotional exhaustion
Physical exhaustion
Cognitive weariness
You usually have a feeling of ineffectiveness, of not enough-ness
So, what does Burnout look like? let’s take the analogy of a car:
When you turn the key, the lights go on but the engine doesn’t start
It feels like you’re driving with the handbrake on
With first generation turbo engines, when you turn off the car the engine keeps going - the motor has stopped but the turbo keeps running
You put in high octane fuel (coffee, carbs, alcohol) & it doesn’t make a differenceBurnout creeps up on you slowly & is hard to diagnose. Recovering from Burnout is even harder than burning yourself out.It’s essential that you have a mindset change:
Put yourself first
Be ok with you & where you are
Homeostasis – get to the situation where your body starts to heal
Assess your priorities
Fuel your body with nourishing foods
Give it the sleep/rest it needs
Contact Mary-Leigh to discuss the Integrated Nutritional Medicine path
M: 0415288928
T: @ML_NutMed